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Characterized by the [+] symbol, OpinionLab’s software allows companies to get valuable, real-time feedback from their customers.

The Challenge

Our challenge was to upgrade OpinionLab’s app. On the front end, it had to be easier for customers to give their feedback. On the back end, everyone from executives to administrators needed to more quickly locate and utilize the generated data.

We created custom iconography for features like sharing, editing and commenting.

Mobile Agility

We redesigned the customer comment card to make it both visually appealing and easy to use on smartphones and tablets, as well as on desktops. The clean, efficient design also allows companies to receive dynamic feedback without restrictions on load times or the need for complicated data requests.

A Dynamic Dashboard

The main objective on the back end was to be able to easily find and use information. This called for smart visuals. We created an attractive, easy-to-use dashboard to assist operators in obtaining the necessary analytics more quickly.


We incorporated a widget set that allows operators to customize their dashboards. Now their most frequently used functions are at their fingertips, and they can easily share data, add comments and receive notifications.

The End Result

By designing a better experience, we helped increase customer use of the OpinionLab product, and we helped companies mine more from their data. A win-win for our client!